Thursday, January 17, 2013


If there were a pill that would make you do everything you resolved to do, would you take it every day?

No side effects. You would make your To-Do list and then wait for the pill to kick in. Once it did, you would get right to the items on the list, giving 100%, checking each off, moving to the next, and not procrastinating for a second. Perfect motivation. At the end of the day, you will have worked out, worked on the screenplay, cleaned the house from top to bottom, written the paper, paid the bills, created the budget, landscaped the yard, read to the kids, read WAR AND PEACE, and absorbed another language lesson.

Would you take it?

Oh, I would. Perhaps I wouldn't take it every day. (Actually, I do take Focalin for ADD, but it's not the magically perfect productivity pill for which I am yearning here. With two kids under the age of five, it's more like an extra cup of coffee.) Perhaps I'd want occasional holidays from perfect productivity. I just don't know because I have never gotten close to perfect productivity. I have a long list of unrealized dreams and neglected ideas that ride around in my psyche through every day I live. Focusing on the road ahead is the way to keep regrets at bay. As I've gotten older, I've gotten a lot better at making up my mind to do something and sticking with it until the very end. I earned (not my hyperlink-->) my master's degree with a 4.0. I completed the Wii EA Sports Active 2 9-weeks challenge without missing a single workout. I won my first NaNoWriMo just two months ago.

The realm of motivation has always fascinated me. I've marvelled at highly-accomplished people like Madonna, Bill Gates, and Barack Obama. What makes them so successful in seeing Point B and getting off Point A and staying the course until reaching Point B?

The next post will be about my own resolutions for 2013. For now, I will just say that I have a project idea that has been cooking for quite a while. It has to do with motivation and accomplishment. It will require me to learn how to program in (not my hyperlink-->) Java. I am not a programmer. My husband is, so he's going to advise me, but I'm doing this on my own--no college classes, just the online tutorials at the Oracle website.

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